The Scottish Government has introduced restrictions and legislation regarding XL Bully dogs in Scotland. Owners of an XL Bully dog need to apply for a ‘Certificate of Exemption’ to legally keep their pet beyond 31 July 2024. 

If you own an XL Bully dog you must advise the Association immediately, failure to advise the Association will result in Legal Action.    

To get a Certificate of Exemption for your XL Bully Dog, you must: 


  • Get your dog microchipped by the time it is 8 weeks old. 
  • have your dog neutered by the time it is 18 months old. 
  • get third party public liability insurance for your dog. 
  • pay the application fee of £92.40. 

For more details about how to apply for this certificate please visit the Scottish Government website. You will be committing a criminal offence and breaching your tenancy agreement if you do not hold a Certification of Exemption on 1 August 2024. 


Once you have a Certificate of Exemption for your XL Bully, you must follow these rules for the life of the dog:  


  • Keep the dog at the same address as the certificate holder, you can temporarily keep the dog at a different address for up to 30 days in a 12-month period. 
  • Tell the Local Authority, Police, and the Association if you permanently change address. You will need to tell the Association if you temporarily keep the dog at another Angus Housing Association address for up to 30 days in a 12-month period. 
  • Advise the Local Authority, Police, and the Association if the dog dies or is exported. 
  • You must have third party public liability insurance for your dog, you can change insurance, but there can be no gap in cover. 
  • Keep the dog muzzled in public places, it is best to use a muzzle that lets the dog pant, breathe and drink easily.  
  • Keep the dog on a lead in public places and someone over 16 years old must securely hold the lead. 
  • Keep the dog in secure conditions both in the house and garden so it cannot escape. 

Warning If you break these rules, you may be fined up to £5,000, sent to prison for up to 6 months, or both. 

Link to Scottish Government XL Bully guidance –