Angus Housing Association Limited
93 High Street
Angus, DD11 1DP
Angus Housing Association Limited
The Square, Ormiston Crescent
Dundee DD4 0UD
Telephone number: 03451 772244
Office Opening Hours
Monday 10am to 4pm
Tuesday 10am to 4pm
Wednesday 12noon to 4pm
Thursday 10am to 4pm
Friday 10am to 4pm
Phone calls
* Mon & Tue 9am to 5pm
* Wednesday 12noon to 5pm
* Thursdays 9am to 5pm
* Friday 9am to 4pm
We are always keen to hear from our tenants and your opinions matter to us. By giving us your feedback this helps shape the services we deliver.
Tenant Satisfaction Survey
Through participating in our Tenant Satisfaction Survey tenants will help to shape our key priorities over the next 3 years. This survey is carried out by an external organisation to ensure transparency between the Association and tenants.
Register of Interested Tenants
Are you working and struggling to commit time or just not sure how you want to get involved, why not consider joining our Register of Interested Tenants. This is an informal group of tenants who want to be involved and participate but maybe only on certain things like repairs or allocations. By joining the Register you decide what topics you would like to be involved in and how much time you can give this is up to you.
The Association will send you information, opportunities and ways to get involved and you decide, you can get involved in everything or just pick and choose, it is up to you. If this is something you’re interested in or want to find out more please email Diana on or call 07521 776900
Scrutiny Groups
Scrutiny involves our tenants working in partnership with us to scrutinise, provide feedback and recommendations on how we are doing and help to shape and improve our services. This enables us to be the best we can be and provide the best service for our tenants.
We currently have two groups, one in Angus and one in Dundee as each area have their own interests and needs. These groups meet approximately once every two months and are very informal, giving tenants the opportunity to provide feedback and recommendations.
The groups have held four sessions in the past 6 months.
The first session talked about how the Association reports on how we are doing. The (Feedback on Annual Performance Report) can be found here AHA Scrutiny Session 1 Report (1)
The second session was attended by the Director of Finance who went into detail about what tenants rent money is spent on. For more details click on AHA-Scrutiny-Session-2-Report.pdf
For their third session the group invited the Maintenance Officer to go through the process of when a property is empty and what is involved to get it back to a lettable standard. The groups third session (Lettable Standards) can be found here AHA Scrutiny Session 3 Report
For the fourth session the group met with the Director of Housing Services to discuss the the changes introduced by the Scottish Social Housing Regulator on how we report on our locally agreed targets for anti-social behaviour. More information on this can be found here AHA Scrutiny Session 4 Report
We have been listening to and responding to what tenants have told us during these sessions. This feedback is invaluable in helping us to shape how we deliver scrutiny. You can find out more here AHA-Scrutiny-You-Said-We-Did-2.pdf
If you would like more information or are interested in taking part please email Diana on or call 07521 776900
Community Events and Estate Walkabouts
Our tenants and communities are important to us and we try and ensure that Angus Housing Association are present in these. We support our communities and are keen to do this at walkabout-in our areas, gala days, fun days. If this is something that you can help with or want to find out more about please contact the Tenant Participation team by emailing
Writers Panels
The Association produces an lot of written information which can often include housing jargon, would you be interested in reviewing some of our letters and reports in order to help the Association produce more user friendly documents.
Registered Tenants Organisation
Are you a group of tenants who would like or want to come together? If so, we are here to help you get started and provide you with any support or advice you need.
We want to work together with you to improve housing and your surrounding community.
If so click on the link and send us an email :