7 February 2024

Universal Credit to Replace Tax Credits

Tax Credits are ending and will soon be replaced by Universal Credit. This is called the Universal Credit managed migration process.

Those in receipt of Tax Credits, look out for a letter with an information guide from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) explaining what you’ll need to do, and by when. Please do not worry, or think that you need to make a claim for Universal Credit straight away. You need to wait until you receive a formal migration letter inviting you to make a claim for Universal Credit.

Dundee tenants, if not already received will likely be receiving their formal migration notices inviting them to make a claim. The formal migration notice gives you 3 months to apply from the date give in letter.
It is important that you are aware this will not be done automatically, so please act quickly and follow the instructions in the letter, otherwise your current tax credit award will end. You will also lose your right to any transitional protection. Transitional protection is a discretionary amount awarded to your Universal Credit claim to ensure you will not be any worse off after making a claim.
 We recommend that our tenants get in touch with our Financial Inclusion Team when they receive an invitation to make claim to ensure they receive accurate advice based on their circumstances.
Please get in touch by email : referrals@aha.org.uk, or phone the office on : 0345 177 2244

Latest News & Updates

Posted: 29 October 2024

Warm Home Discount Scheme

Warm Home Discount The following energy supplier's Warm Home Discount schemes are now open to apply to : British/Scottish Gas - https://scottishgas.warmhomediscount.com/ Scottish Power - https://www.scottishpower.co.uk/suppor.../warm-home-discount  Utility Warehouse - https://uw.co.uk/.../energy.../warm-home-discount-scheme  Out Fox The Market - https://www.outfoxthemarket.co.uk/warm-home-discount Octopus Energy - https://octopus.energy/blog/warm-home-discount/ OVO - https://whd.ovoenergy.com/ EDF Energy - https://www.edfenergy.com/help-support/whd-application-form  SO Energy https://www.so.energy/.../7000057243-warm-home-discount... EON - https://www.eonnext.com/warm-home-discount? Unfortunately applications…
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 Warm Home Discount 🔥
The following energy supplier’s Warm Home Discount schemes are now open to apply to :
‼️ Unfortunately applications to Utilita are already closed for winter 2024/25