Mutual Exchange

The Association permits exchanges between its own tenants and those of other Registered Social Landlords. The aim of this is to assist tenants to satisfy their housing aspirations and housing need, to promote mobility and to make better use of the housing stock.

If you find someone that you wish to exchange with, the first stage is for all applicants to complete an Application for Mutual Exchange Form. You will also need to contact the Landlord of the tenant you wish to swap with.

Once an Application has been received we will then carry out all necessary checks involved prior to approving a Mutual Exchange.

PLEASE NOTE – Tenants cannot move house until permission has been granted from all Landlords involved

You can also register for a Mutual Exchange on the House Exchange website. Housing Exchange is a Mutual Exchange service used by more than 300 landlords across the United Kingdom. As a Partnering Organisation, registration is free for Angus Housing Associations tenants who wish to exchange to another area or property.  Once you register your details on House Exchange, they will search for suitable matches and let you know. Once you have found a suitable match, you will then have to complete the Mutual Exchange Application form and await permission from the Association.  You can visit the House Exchange Website here House Exchange – House Exchange

If you need more advice about the Mutual Exchange process or need to request an Application Form, please contact our Customer Service Team on 03451 772244.  You can also find the Mutual Exchange Application Form in our downloads section of the website.