Angus Housing Association Limited
93 High Street
Angus, DD11 1DP
Angus Housing Association Limited
The Square, Ormiston Crescent
Dundee DD4 0UD
Telephone number: 03451 772244
Office Opening Hours
Monday 10am to 4pm
Tuesday 10am to 4pm
Wednesday 12noon to 4pm
Thursday 10am to 4pm
Friday 10am to 4pm
Phone calls
* Mon & Tue 9am to 5pm
* Wednesday 12noon to 5pm
* Thursdays 9am to 5pm
* Friday 9am to 4pm
If you feel unsafe in your home, we will listen to you and do everything we can to better your situation and keep you safe.
Angus Housing Association takes domestic abuse extremely seriously and has implemented a dedicated Domestic-Abuse-Policy The Association has signed up to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make a Stand pledge, and this new policy is part of our commitment to take action to support tenants who are victims of domestic abuse.
Our Domestic Abuse Policy is our promise to our tenants that we will take action to support those who are experiencing domestic abuse in their home.
The Association will use Scottish Governments definition of domestic abuse:
“Domestic abuse (as gender-based abuse) can be perpetrated by partners or ex partners and can include physical abuse (assault and physical attack involving a range of behaviours), sexual abuse (acts which degrade and humiliate women and are perpetrated against their will, including rape) and mental and emotional abuse (such as threats, verbal abuse, racial abuse, withholding money and other types of controlling behaviour such as isolation from family and friends).”
The Association believes that it’s tenants and other householders should not live in fear, violence or abuse. The Association takes domestic abuse very seriously and is committed to providing a sensitive and confidential response to anyone approaching the Association for assistance in cases of domestic abuse.
A home should provide safety and security, but for many people home is anything but safe.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, both women and men, and in all types of relationships – heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.