Our Equalities Statement 


Angus Housing Association is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) which is at the heart of the common values we work with in everything we do: 

  • RespectWe will listen, valuing your opinions, your diversity and acting with openness and candour 
  • Putting Customers FirstWe will act professionally when delivering our services, act to protect the safety and wellbeing of our customers and provide help and assistance whilst exceeding customer expectations 
  • Embracing Innovation & AdaptabilityWe will be flexible, evolving our service delivery to be responsive to the changing needs of our customers and environment 
  • Demonstrating Social Valueswe will work with our people ethically, fairly and honestly to influence the bigger picture for the benefit of our communities 

 We aim to embrace diversity, promote equal opportunities and eliminate unlawful discrimination in all areas of our work. We are also committed to ensuring that people have fair and open access to our services, irrespective of age; disability; gender reassignment; pregnancy and maternity; marriage and civil partnership; race; religion or belief; sex or sexual orientation. 

 It is important for Angus Housing Association to meet the needs of our tenants and any other customers, treating them with respect, fairness and understanding. 

Equality Act 2010 – what does this mean? 


The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it is unlawful to treat someone.


Access to Information

Angus Housing Association strives to provide equal access to information and the services available to tenants and customers and would like to be made aware if you have a particular need or preference.  

To help make information about us, our services and other activities easily understood and widely available, we can:  


  • Arrange interpretation and translation services for tenants and customers whose first language is not English via Happy to Translate 
  • Arrange for a British Sign Language Interpreter 
  • Provide information in suitable formats for tenants and customers with hearing, sight or other impairment, including in large print or Braille and audio translations.