Angus Housing Association believe pets can be a great source of companionship and enrich our lives. While the Association understands you may want a pet you need to consider the impact on your home and neighbours. 

Keeping pets can positively promote the wellbeing of our tenants and in most cases, you do not need to ask the Association for permission for a pet. However, the Association expects you to follow the terms of your Tenancy Agreement and the pet policy and guidance.  


You are allowed to keep pets in your home unless they are forbidden by the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, any other law or Association rule as above. You must keep your pets under control and make sure that they do not cause a disturbance. We are entitled to ask you to remove your pet if it is causing a nuisance. You can also be prosecuted and fined, for example, if your dog barks continually or you do not clean up after your dog. It is a breach of your Scottish Secure Tenancy if your pet causes nuisance or annoyance to others.